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001-es BibID:BIBFORM059541
Első szerző:Loreto, Francesco
Cím:Isoprenoid emission in hygrophyte and xerophyte European woody flora: ecological and evolutionary implications / Francesco Loreto, Francesca Bagnoli, Carlo Calfapietra, Donata Cafasso, Manuela De Lillis, Goffredo Filibeck, Silvia Fineschi, Gabriele Guidolotti, Gábor Sramkó, Jácint Tökölyi, Carlo Ricotta
Megjegyzések:AimThe relationship between isoprenoid emission and hygrophily was investi-gated in woody plants of the Italian flora, which is representative of Europeandiversity. MethodsVolatile isoprenoids (isoprene and monoterpenes) were measured, ordata collected from the literature, for 154 species native or endemic to the Medi-terranean. The Ellenberg indicator value for moisture (EIVM) was used to describeplant hygrophily. Phylogenetic analysis was carried out at a broader taxonomic scaleon 128 species, and then refined on strong isoprene emitters (SalixandPopulusspecies) based on isoprene synthase gene sequences (IspS).ResultsIsoprene emitters were significantly more common and isoprene emis-sion was higher in hygrophilous EIVM classes, whereas monoterpene emitters weremore widespread and monoterpene emission was higher in xeric classes. However,when controlling for phylogeny, isoprene emission was not associated with EIVM,possibly due to the large presence of Salicaceae among hygrophilous isopreneemitters. Moreover, the distribution of isoprene emitters among EIVM classes wasnot related toIspS-based phylogenesis inPopulusandSalix, suggesting that thegene has not undergone evolution linked to ecological pressure. In contrast,the monoterpene emission pattern is independent of phylogeny, suggesting that theevolution of monoterpenes is associatedwith transitions to more xeric habitats.Main conclusionsOur results reveal an interesting ecological pattern linkingisoprenoids and water availability. We suggest that isoprene is a trait that: (1)evolved in plants adapted to high water availability; (2) is replaced by more effectiveprotection mechanisms, e.g. more stable isoprenoids, in plants adapting to morexeric environments; and (3) being strongly constrained by phylogeny, persists inSalicaceae adapted to more xeric environments
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
water stress
Élettudományok - Biológiai tudományok
Megjelenés:Global Ecology And Biogeography. - 23 : 3 (2014), p. 334-345. -
További szerzők:Bagnoli, Francesca Calfapietra, Carlo Cafasso, Donata De Lillis, Manuela Filibeck, Goffredo Fineschi, Silvia Guidolotti, Gabriele Sramkó Gábor (1981-) (biológus) Tökölyi Jácint (1984-) (biológus) Ricotta, Carlo
Pályázati támogatás:MTA-DE Lendület
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