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001-es BibID:BIBFORM060350
035-os BibID:(Scopus)77957980900
Első szerző:Kllogjeri, Pellumb (matematikus)
Cím:GeoGebra : a global platform for teaching and learning math together and using the synergy of mathematicians / Pellumb Kllogjeri
Megjegyzések:In present age we are witnesses and practioners of computer-basededucation which is highly speed progressing. The computer-based education allowseducators and students to use educational programming language ande-tutors to teach and learn, to interact with one another and share together theresults of their work. The computer-based education is done possible by specialelectronic tools among which the most important are the mathematical programmes.There are many mathematical programmes, but one which is beingembraced and used by a daily increasing number of users throughout the worldis GeoGebra. The recently published software GeoGebra by Markus Hohenwater(2004) explicitly links geometry and algebra. GeoGebra affords a bidirectionalcombination of geometry and algebra that differs from earlier softwareforms. The bidirectional combination means that, for instance, by typing in anequation in the algebra window, the graph of the equation will be shown in thedynamic and graphic window. This programme is so much preferred because ofits three main features: the double representation of the mathematicalobject(geometric and algebraic), there are not strong requirements as to the ageand the knowledge in using it(the students of the elementary school can use it aswell) and, it is offered free of charge(simply by downloading it). In this paperwe are concentrating in the double representation of the mathematical objectand its advantages in explaining and forming mathematical concepts and performingoperations, in the global opportunities for using GeoGebra and thebenefits of using it by cooperating and sharing experiences.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok könyvfejezet
double representation
virtual tools
dynamic demonstration
research work using computer programmes
interactive environment
platform of sharing knowledge and results
communicative bridge
Megjelenés:Technology Enhanced Learning : Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform : First International Conference, TECH-EDUCATION 2010, Athens, Greece, May 19-21, 2010 : Proceedings / ed. Miltiadis D. Lytras [et al.]. - p. 681-687.
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