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001-es BibID:BIBFORM060633
Első szerző:Lee, Kyung No
Cím:Evaluation of phenylthiourea derivatives as inhibitors of transglutaminase-catalyzed reaction in Chinese hamster ovary cells / Kyung No Lee, Soo Il Chung, James E. Girard, Laszlo Fesus
Megjegyzések:1-(5-Aminopentyl)-3-phenylthiourea (PPTU), a recently developed inhibitor of the transglutaminase-catalyzed reaction (K.N. Lee, L. Fesus, S.T. Yancey, J.E. Girard, and S.I. Chung, (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 14689-14694) was evaluated as a possible probe to examine the physiological role of transglutaminase (EC in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The [14C]PPTU in cell culture was readily taken up by CHO cells and was found to be covalently attached to high-molecular-weight proteins which are associated with the particulate fractions. Incubating cell homogenates, in the presence of Ca2+, incorporated the labeled PPTU exclusively into high-molecular-weight proteins that were also undergoing polymerization. PPTU at 0.1 mM, a concentration close to the Ki value reported for inhibition of tissue transglutaminase-catalyzed amine incorporation into the B chain of oxidized insulin, decreased high-molecular-weight protein polymerization, whereas PPTU at the same concentrations showed no effect on CHO cell proliferation or on in vitro calmodulin activation of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase. These results suggest that transglutaminase may not be a constitutive enzyme in cell proliferation.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Cell proliferation
Chinese hamster ovary cell
Megjelenés:Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA). Molecular Cell Research. - 972 : 2 (1988), p. 120-130. -
További szerzők:Chung, Soo Il Girard, James E. Fésüs László (1947-) (orvos biokémikus)
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