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001-es BibID:BIBFORM061175
Első szerző:Kun András István (közgazdász)
Cím:A báránybőr-hatás és a bolognai folyamat Magyarországon / Kun András István
Megjegyzések:This study analyses the 'sheepskin effect' on Hungarian data from the years 2011 an 2012. This phenomenon is a wage increase connected to the obtainment of a degree (or credential) in addition to the wage gap connected to the completion of a schooling level (measured via school years, exams passed etc.). Empirical studies in many countries tested (mostly successfully) this effect during the lastdecades, but it was identified in Hungary only once by Kun (2013). However, the mechanism behind the phenomenon was not analysed. The first part of the current paper is a brief overview of the corresponding empirical literature. The second part statistically analyses the same database (provided by the Hungarian Graduate Career Tracking System) as the referred article. Linear regression models are built and examined separately for employee groups who graduated different levels of higher education: two pre-Bologna levels (college and university) and three post-Bologna levels (bachelor, master, undivided). The sheepskin effect is measured by the impact of the time interval between completing all university exams and obtaining the degree certificate on the net monthly salary. The main findings are that 1) a significant sheepskin-effect is identifiable on all the examined levels, 2) yet on two of the post-Bologna levels the mechanism follows a different function than in the pre-Bologna cases.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Közgazdaságtudományok könyvfejezet
diplomás pályakövetés
gazdaságtudományi képzés
Megjelenés:Új kutatások a neveléstudományokban : oktatás és nevelés - gyakorlat és tudomány / szerk. Tóth Zoltán. - p. 220-229. -
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