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001-es BibID:BIBFORM061348
Első szerző:Lakatos Gyula (ökológus)
Cím:Theory of phytoremediation and its Hungarian practice / Lakatos Gyula, Keresztúri Péter, Csatári István, Tóth Albert
ISSN:0133-3720 1788-9170
Megjegyzések:Phytoremediation, i.e. recovering the health of soils or sediments contaminated with heavy metals by usinggreen vegetation has today been a stimulating challenge for research and solutions in environmental protectionall over the world. Among the phytoremediation processes, it is the in-situ inactivation technique that hasspecial significance, since it reduces the dangers caused by the potential toxic impacts of heavy metals. Dueto the vegetation providing green surfaces, the phytoremediation processes are environmentally friendly andcost-effective (10-12% percent of traditional methods). This paper presents the results of the floristical andvegetation examinations performed in the units of a former secondary sedimentation pond system in Hungary.The outcome of analyses on the chromium content of the plants will also be discussed.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok konfrenciacikk
Megjelenés:Cereal Research Communications. - 36 : Suppl. (2008), p. 1339-1342. -
További szerzők:Keresztúri Péter (1975-) (biológus-ökológus) Csatári István (1986-) (környezetkutató ökológus) Tóth Albert (1966-) (biológus-ökológus)
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