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001-es BibID:BIBFORM062159
Első szerző:Szabolcsi Róbert (gépészmérnök)
Cím:The Importance of maintenance during UGV use / Róbert Szabolcsi, József Menyhárt
Megjegyzések:This article provides an overview of the development andhistory of the maintenance. The reader can get information about the definition an d importance of customer demand and just in time' maintenance strategies, which are the most important concepts in the industrial environment and nowadays in good many other areas, too. One can find these definitions in the everyday life of a modern lean factory. The bathtub-curve and the different types of loads will be evaluated. The article describes the importance of the technical diagnostics and its methods. The technical diagnostics contains the most important tools and methods for a modern maintenance team. The technical diagnostic helps maintenance team to solve different technical or maintenance problems in the daily routine. The last chapter contains a classification of the loads of UGVs and their relevance. The authorswill give guidance on the possibilities of a new technical diagnostics, which isbased on artificial intelligence.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Gépészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
customer demand
Megjelenés:Revista academiei fortelor terestre : Land forces Academy review. - 80/2015 (2015), p. 486-492.
További szerzők:Menyhárt József (1988-) (gépészmérnök, létesítménymérnök, lean szakmérnök)
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