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001-es BibID:BIBFORM062488
Első szerző:Lőrincz Mónika (közgazdász)
Cím:The effect of economic structural transformation following the Hungarian change of regime in higher education / Lőrincz Mónika
Megjegyzések:The topicality of the research theme is given by the intension to harmonize the labour market output of higher education and the actual labour market demands. Discrepancy characterizes demand and supply in the labour market in case of people with higher level qualification in these days, too. To moderate it, the characteristics and tendencies of the branch system and the training system of higher education have to be examined as well.Transformation of the economic system has a distinguished role in the composition of a given country`s areal structure and in the modernity of its production system. In the decade after the 90s, an important structural change happened in national economy and its degree was not but its direction was the same in every Hungarian region. At the beginning of the post-industrial age, the pace of tertiarisation got fast and general in every region of Hungary. As a result of the changes, our country`s economic structure nowadays squares with the EU average. The economic structural change seems to be parallel with the trends of major national economic branches and the tendencies of globalization. A considerable change of emphasis has happened to the credit of the service sector, against the agriculture and - in some regions, where it still has an important role - the industry. As in Europe, concentrated presence in centre areas is a general characteristic of the service sector in Hungary, too, which forecasts that regional differences are expected to remain in this sector as well.Efficiency of a region depends on the composition of the structures of national economic branches present in the given region, in a distinguished way. Attendance and proportion in the local economy in case of the branch structure are influenced by other factors such as endogenous conditions and resources of the given area, beside the trends in economic policy.Degree of embeddedness into local economy and co-operation of persons in a regional field basically influences the main tendencies of preferred fields of branch relations.For the regional politics, one of the most important questions is that whether the regional differences of branch productivities effect on formation and re-production of areal inequalities. Regional and cohesive policies demand close relations between the transformation of economic structure and the improvement and structural transformation of higher education. In improvement of higher education, intension to unify the Hungarian higher education in the Carpathian Basin and to support the transborder Hungarian higher education appears which has a distinguished role in cultivation of transborder relations. Higher education as the basic sector of future growth, is one of the key sectors of the Hungarian national economy. It has an important influence on development and performance of national economic branches and the economic growth which is found on the branch structure, but on social and economic processes of a region, too. The starting-point of the research is that what kind of coherence and regularity can be found between the processes and effects of the economic structural transformation happened in the period after the change of regime and the transformation of the training structure of higher education, regarding the regional dimensions too, during the examination.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Regionális tudományok előadáskivonat
economic structural transformation
higher education
Megjelenés:Value changes in a transforming economy : Challenges in the Carpathian Basin : 12th Annual International Conference on Economics and Business 5-6th of June, 2015 Csíkszereda, Seklerburg, Miercurea Ciuc / ed. Andrea Csata, Gergely Fejér-Király, Ottilia György, János Kassay, Benedek Nagy, Levente-József Tánczos. - p. 386-387. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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