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001-es BibID:BIBFORM063288
Első szerző:Majoros Krisztián (nyelvész, germanista)
Cím:Zellenmetaphern und die organische Metaphorik in deutschsprachigen Plenarvorträgen : Die weiterentwickelte "Trichter"-Methode / Majoros Krisztián
Megjegyzések:The present paper investigates the role of digital corpora in current research on metaphor. Digital corpora areimportant data sources in linguistic research that can also enhance statistically representative achievements. Ipropose the so-called further developed funnel method as a semi-automatic method of metaphor analysis incorpora, which I tested on a German corpus consisting of transcripts of German (state) parliament sittings. Withthe help of this method completed with an automatic collocation analysis, I examine sociological metaphors inpolitical context in such a way that the collection of data is not based on introspective lists of metaphoricalexpressions or dictionary articles, but the source of the keywords is the corpus itself. As a result, the introspectivecharacteristic of the research methodology can be reduced further. It has been found on the basis of frequencydata and the so-called Log Likelihood Ratio (LLR) that beside the so-called organic metaphors primarilytechnical and building metaphors play the most important role in contemporary political discourse.Keywords: conceptual metaphor theory, corpus research, organic metaphor, method of metaphor analysis,metaphor and collocation analysis
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
conceptual metaphor theory
corpus research
organic metaphor
method of metaphor analysis
metaphor and collocation analysis
Megjelenés:Argumentum. - 12 (2016), p. 123-151. -
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