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001-es BibID:BIBFORM063303
Első szerző:Portik Erzsébet-Edit (pedagógus)
Cím:The pictorial presentation of the playing child's narrative in the cimbora children journal / Portik Erzsébet-Edit
Megjegyzések:In this study we attempt to analyse the childhood constructs specific to the Transylvaniaof the 1920s.To accomplish this goal, we analysed the child image conveyed by Cimbora throughthe reading of picture narrative by taking into account the criteria of child roleplay, the parentchildrelationships and social expectations. The combined aspect of the methods applied (quantityand quality) served as building blocks in our multiple criteria - oriented research. We formulatedthe tasks of the three-level picture analysis with the basic picture theory, iconographic andiconologic approach. We first studied the information external to the picture (place, time, author,title), and next we concentrated on the inner, deeper meanings. The Cimbora children journalpicture repertoire refers to the presence of multiple childhood constructs. In the two pictures underanalysis, looking at the basic form of a child's activity, playing, we are confronted with the goodchild attribute, as it is seen by the adult world. This child ideal is alive mainly in the childhoodhistory narratives determined by the Transylvanian traditional and civil society habits. On thewhole, we believe that this work could first and foremost strengthen the way in which research onchildhood history is received in Transylvania.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
picture analysis
playing child
child imagine
Megjelenés:PedActa [elektronikus dokumentum]. - 5 : 2 (2015), p. 75-82. -
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