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001-es BibID:BIBFORM064062
Első szerző:Balajthy Ágnes (irodalomtörténész, kritikus)
Cím:"In the labyrinth of invisible pathways": Tropes of Aboriginal Australia in Bruce Chatwin's The Songlines / Balajthy Ágnes
ISSN:1988-5946 2013-6897
Megjegyzések:This article reexamines the construction of Aboriginal Australia in BruceChatwin's The Songlines. It explores the ways in which this postmodernist traveloguetransforms certain patterns of the literary representation of the Central Australian desert, reinventingand re-contextualizing the 19th century topos of the unmappable land. The analysisof the figurative language of the novel focuses on its master tropes, the map and the labyrinth,suggesting that they both reflect the traveller's inclination to appropriate the Aboriginalworldview and at the same time symbolize the landscape's (and its inhabitants') resistance tobeing appropriated.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Irodalom- és kultúratudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
travel writing
Megjelenés:Journal of the European Association for Studies on Australia (JEASA). - 6 : 1 (2015), p. 42-50. -
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