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001-es BibID:BIBFORM064990
Első szerző:Pregun Csaba (ökológus)
Cím:Ecohydrological and morphological relationships of a regulated lowland river; based on field studies and hydrological modeling / Pregun Csaba Zsolt
Megjegyzések:The planning of the correct channel reconstruction is a priority in the rehabilitation of regulated surfacestreams. The present study examines the most important morphological and ecohydrological factors ofa highly modified watercourse. A comparative analysis was performed among modelled and measuredmorphological, river geometrical, hydraulic, and vegetation status indicators. Reduction of data redun-dancy and examination of the relationships was done by factor analysis. This was found during the datareduction to six or seven attributes (component) and it was sufficient for imaging the original informa-tion content. There are mathematically derived hydrological background variables that are extremelysignificant in characterizing the watercourses, for example; the Reynolds number, Froude number, ratioof slope Froude-number, speed-to-depth ratio, depth-to-width ratio, etc. The partially regulated and arti-ficial river sections were numerically separated from each other in the analysis. The functional aquaticplant habitats and Manning's n Roughness have got a higher factor weight in the less regulated riversection, than in artificial stage. The weakest factor weights were those status indicators which weremost changed by the regulations. The results provide support for defining and monitoring the requiredenvironmental geometric riverbed interventions.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
River restoration
River classification
Fluvial geomorphological
Hydraulical and hydroecological factors
River modelling
redundancy and data reduction
Multivariate analysis
Megjelenés:Ecological Engineering. - 94 (2016), p. 608-616. -
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