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001-es BibID:BIBFORM065286
Első szerző:Grosvenor, Ian (Professor of History of Urban Education)
Cím:Terek, érzékek, érzelmek és oktatás: Egy neveléstörténeti megközelítés / Ian Grosvenor ; ford. Pataki Gyöngyvér
Megjegyzések:What was it really like in the past? This is a question which to non-historians wouldseem to be at the centre of historical practice; to actually know and understand the pastin its own terms. However, in the long history of historical writing, the idea that thepurpose of history is to provide a window on the ways of life of another time is arelatively new idea. It is really only in the last four decades that the most ambitioushistorians have been animated by the question: What was it really like? Such historianshave determinedly pursued the task of rescuing the lives of ordinary people in the pastfrom, trying to reconstruct their thoughts, memories, emotions and even their physicalsensations. Imbued with compassion and offering a narrative which recognizes and givesdignity to the ordinary, this approach to the past has led to debates within history ofeducation. The last twenty years have seen work engaged with methodological debatesin historiography, raised questions about the discursive analysis of texts, images andautobiographical writings in an attempt to get closer to the everyday lived experiencesof modern schooling. This article is a contribution to these debates. It looks at howhistorians have focused attention on the spatial dimension of schools and classrooms ofthe past, how the senses functioned in these learning spaces, and the connections betweenspace and emotions. It argues that by looking for the spaces, seeking out the senses andsurfacing the emotions of past schooling a ♭new way' of entering into debates and ofdefining meanings and understandings for education is possible.
ISBN:978-963-12-5542-3 978-963-12-5555-3
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok fordítás
Oktatási környezet
Megjelenés:Oktatás és fenntarthatóság / szerk. Fehérvári Anikó, Juhász Erika, Kiss Virág Ágnes, Kozma Tamás. - p. 79-100. -
További szerzők:Pataki Gyöngyvér (1971-) (oktatáskutató, szociológus)
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