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001-es BibID:BIBFORM065497
Első szerző:Kovács Edina Mária (oktatáskutató, drámapedagógus)
Cím:Characteristics of the educational system and teacher image of the V4 countries / Kovács Edina
Megjegyzések:The main determinative factors in the quality of education of theabove countries are the preparedness of teachers, their skills and theirprofessional knowledge, according to both national and internationalanalyses (Mourshed and Barber, 2007; Sági and Ercsei, 2012).Research in Europe, in the US and even in Australia have raised andfound out similar issues and problems and they have even signifi ed aconsiderably similar teacher model to that of the V4 countries. This isquite surprising, far as the educational system of the continentalEurope countries, as well as that of the Atlantic countries have adifferent educational system in terms of public education andeducational management (Kozma, 2006). Besides, nationalpeculiarities make each and every nation's educational system uniqueand characteristic. So in the light of this, we might expect that insteadof similarities, differences would occur among student teachers andeducators.It seems that expectations toward and characteristics of the teacherrole model and educator model has been formed and set up by suchsocial, economic and political processes that more or less took place atthe same time and in the same way in the Euro-Atlantic countries.Similarities between teacher models are especially dominant in theV4 countries. According to research conducted among the V4, similarproblems, but also positive characteristics are present when studyingstudent teachers' future plans. Some teachers on their careers andfuture teachers are uncertain and irresolute. The rate of thoseundergraduate men who ponder changing career is fairly high (Holecz,2006; Varga, 2007). Gender, however, does not or just slightly affectscommitment and persistence in career: it is more signifi cant howstudents form an opinion about career prestige and what qualities andvalues they prefer in a profession.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok tanulmány, értekezés
Megjelenés:Media and e-learning environment in education in V4 countries = Médiapedagógia és elektronikus tanulási környezet a V4 országokban / szerk. Kovács Edina. - p. 9-21. -
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