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001-es BibID:BIBFORM065754
Első szerző:Baginé Hunyadi Ágnes (okleveles agrármérnök)
Cím:A kendermagos magyar tyúk tojóival előállított genotípusok vágási teljesítménye és húsminőségi vizsgálata / Baginé Hunyadi Ágnes, Jankóné Forgács Judit
Megjegyzések:The demand determines new directions in the production of poultry-products. Apart from the quality, the specialities and the production of poultry-products based on ecological breeding are high-lighted. The traditional poultry-types ? for example: the Hungarian speckled hen- would be perfect for this purpose, but knowing the living-weight and the outcome of slaughtering their offsprings, the pure-bred ones could not compete with the colour-feather double-utilizing hybrids recommended into different alternative producing conditions. We examined if the Hungarian speckled hen as maternal line can be used to satisfy this market demand and what meat-quality values describe the different hybrid gene-types. As an effect of the crossing of new hampshire, the white plymouth, the redbro and the avibro, the grill-weight has increased by 30-70% and the outcome of the main product has increased by 20-30 %. The meat:bone proportion has not changed substantially. The crossed chickens presented better results in the tested qualities than the cocks. The sex did not influence the water-binding and holding quality of the muscular-tissue but the hydration quality depends on the hydration quality. The hydration quality of the meat-pulps made from the breast was better than that made from the thigh. The research proved that the Hungarian speckled hen as a maternal line in crossing can be used well and independent of the paternal line it gives different results.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok könyvfejezet
kendermagos magyar tyúk
Megjelenés:XXXII. Óvári Tudományos Napok : Élelmiszergazdaságunk kérdőjelei napjainkban : Mosonmagyaróvár, Magyarország, 2008.10.09 : [elektronikus dokumentum]. - p. 1-6. -
További szerzők:Jankóné Forgács Judit
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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