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001-es BibID:BIBFORM065755
Első szerző:Mihók Sándor (agrármérnök)
Cím:Néhány brojlercsirke genotípus növekedési erélyének, vágási kihozatalának értékelése, és vágott testének érzékszervi bírálata / Mihók Sándor, Komlósi István, Bleyer Ferencné, Hegyi Adrienn, Baginé Hunyadi Ágnes, Mezőszentgyörgyi Dávid
Megjegyzések:Authors investigated the growing performance of four broiler genotypes by sex during 42days long raising. Samples were taken and slaughtered on the 42nd day and carcasses of bothsexes were evaluated with 11 aspects.The valuable parts of the meat of carcasses (breast and thigh yield) were sensory evaluatedboth uncooked and cooked. Evaluation was done by expert judgers (8 people). All sampleswere judged uniquely with 3 repetitions by 4 main aspects, and by 3-9 sub-aspects per mainaspects.Thigh weight was 31-33%, breast weight was 24-27% of carcass weight.There were significant differences among the (uncooked) samples in the case of fairyness,size uniformity, colour intensity, muscularity, clearness and surface contamination. In the caseof foreign colour, colour uniformity and soundness of the samples were similar.Scores of the samples after cooking were smaller, and there was significant difference onlyfor normal smell of the chickens. There were significant differences among samples fornormal smell, normal flavour, flavourness and foreign flavour aspects.Samples significantly differed for tenderness, juciness and fiberness. Each sample was tenderin fact, however one of them was a little tender and it was shown at the mastication test.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok könyvfejezet
brojlercsirke, értékelés
Megjelenés:XXXII. Óvári Tudományos Napok : Élelmiszergazdaságunk kérdőjelei napjainkban : Mosonmagyaróvár, Magyarország, 2008.10.09 : [elektronikus dokumentum]. - p. 7-14. -
További szerzők:Komlósi István (1960-) (agrármérnök) Bleyer Ferencné Hegyi Adrienn Baginé Hunyadi Ágnes (1961-) (okleveles agrármérnök) Mezőszentgyörgyi Dávid (agrár)
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