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001-es BibID:BIBFORM066057
035-os BibID:(WoS)000390727600038 (Scopus)85002425536
Első szerző:Magura Tibor (ökológus)
Cím:Ignoring functional and phylogenetic features masks the edge influence on ground beetle diversity across forest-grassland gradient / Magura Tibor
Megjegyzések:There is an increased species richness and species diversity at the edges of forest-grassland mosaics.Taxonomic diversity, however, provides little information on the function or evolutionary history of species,although such is critical in biodiversity studies. The objective of this research was to compare thetaxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversities in ground beetles (Carabidae) across an edge gradientbetween native forest and natural grassland. Natural forest edges contain diverse and abundant resourcesand microhabitats; therefore I hypothesised that all three types of diversity will be higher in the forestedge compared to both neighbouring habitats. Taxonomic diversity was strongly affected by an asymmetricalspecies dispersal between the neighbouring habitats. Many more forest species were found inthe grassland (at 50?60 m from the edge) than grassland species in the forest interior (at 50?60 m fromthe edge). Accordingly, taxonomic diversity was significantly the highest in the grassland, while therewas no significant taxonomic diversity difference between the forest edge and the interior. Functionaland phylogenetic diversities were also influenced by this asymmetrical species dispersal, producingthe highest values in the grassland. The natural forest edge with high structural complexity and heterogeneityoffers microhabitats for both grassland and forest species, but also for edge-associated species.Additionally, forest edge hampers the passing of grassland species into the forest interior. As a consequence,in the forest edge distantly related species with different functional traits coexisted, while closelyrelated species, characterised by similar functional traits inhabited the forest interior, causing significantlyhigher functional and phylogenetic diversity at the forest edge compared to the interior. I concludethat the inclusion of the functional and phylogenetic features of the assemblages may bring about importantinsights into the mechanisms behind edge responses.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Forest Ecology And Management. - 384 (2017), p. 371-377. -
Pályázati támogatás:4.2.2.B15/1/KONV20150001
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