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001-es BibID:BIBFORM066162
Első szerző:Szegedi Sándor (klimatológus)
Cím:Park Cool Island examinations in Debrecen, Hungary / Sándor Szegedi, Elemér László
Megjegyzések:Urban heat island (UHI) intensities are lower in urban green spaces than in their urbanized neighborhood. The phenomenon is called Park Cool Island (PCI). PCI intensities can be determined on the base of thermal differences between city centers and parks. Characteristics of the green spaces determine the degree and temporal dynamics of the thermal differences between the green areas and the built-up surfaces in the settlements. Results of a one year long UHI and PCI measurement campaign are presented here. 32 measurements were carried out using mobile techniques under different synoptic conditions in the time of the maximal development of UHI and PCI in the town of Debrecen (population cca. 220 000) in East Hungary. Beside the UHI, existence of the park cool island has been proved in Debrecen. Characteristic maximal UHI intensities have been determined for typical built-up types. The impacts of urban green spaces on the temporal and spatial dynamics of the development of the UHI and PCI were determined. Annual and seasonal mean maximal PCI intensities were calculated for Debrecen. Impacts of synoptic conditions on the development of PCI were taken into account as well. Cooling effects of the parks was traced in their urban environment.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok előadáskivonat
urban heat island (UHI)
Park Cool Island (PCI)
mobile techniques
green spaces
Megjelenés:8th International Conference on Urban Climates and 10th Symposium on the Urban Environment : Book of Abstracts, 2012.08.06-2012.08.10, Dublin. - p. 1-4., Paper 595. -
További szerzők:László Elemér (1987-) (meteorológus előrejelző szakiránnyal)
Pályázati támogatás:OTKA T/034161
OTKA K-68248
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