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001-es BibID:BIBFORM066442
Első szerző:Gombos Eszter (történelem, német, filozófia, informatika szakos pedagógus)
Cím:A hibakezelés szintjei és sajátosságai a tanítási folyamatban / Gombos Eszter, Biró Piroska
Megjegyzések:Errors are an essential part of our everyday life. This explains that handling them play a crucial role in the teaching-learning process. If we accept that errors are the bias from the norms then we are faced with two questions: (1) What are the norms? The testing of norms is nothing else but the articulation of the objective and subjective acceptances. (2) How to handle effectively these discrepancies?The level of knowledge plays a crucial role in the handling of errors. The first level is the previous knowledge, which is mainly superficial. This knowledge should be elevated to the second level, to the depth of knowledge, to reach a permanent knowledge. However, the school practices mainly strengthen the first level. Beyond that the increasing number of comparative tests focusing on the students' level of knowledge further strengthens this approach. The schools prepare their students for the tests, so the focus is on the reproduction of a certain piece of knowledge, instead of giving them the real knowledge. The efficiency strategy is built on the requirements of these competency tests. Reaching the conceptual level is not even the goal of most of the students.The role of the teacher is to call attention to the errors. This role requires the subject knowledge, excellent pedagogical skills, and the knowledge of avoiding strategies. In this approach the characteristics of the teachers get more emphases and their effect on the teaching-learning processes, in which they reflect to the changes in the learning process, interact, and provide guidelines if it is necessary. In the continuous changes of guiding and feedback the results are formed, which leads to a knowledge where the student is able to control their own errors.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok könyvfejezet
dilemmas and their resolving
classification of errors
roles of errors
Megjelenés:A pedagógusképzés XXI. századi perspektívái / szerk. Péntek Imre, Szállassy Noémi, Zsoldos Marchis Juliánna. - p. 187-193. -
További szerzők:Biró Piroska (1983-) (informatikus, matematikus)
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