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001-es BibID:BIBFORM068782
035-os BibID:(WoS)000405207800004 (Scopus)85048893686
Első szerző:Tóth János Pál
Cím:Mito-nuclear discordance helps to reveal the phylogeographic patterns of Melitaea ornata (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) / János P. Tóth, Zoltán Varga, Rudi Verovnik, Niklas Wahlberg, Alex Váradi, Judit Bereczki
Megjegyzések:Periodical changes of glacial and interglacial conditions have influenced the distribution of most living organisms and shape the separation of different genetic lineages significantly. We investigated the phylogeography of a nymphalid butterfly Melitaea ornata. Our main aim was to explore the existence, the origin, and the variability of different genetic lineages based on a multilevel approach. M. ornata and its close relatives (with a focus on M. phoebe) from the Palearctic were analysed based on five gene regions (COI, EF-1a, MDH, RPS5, and wingless) using Bayesian methods to infer the phylogeographic history. The DNA-based analyses have been complemented with species distribution modelling (SDM) and Wolbachia screening. The Bayesian inference analysis showed mito-nuclear discordance in M. ornata, which is split into an eastern and a western clade. Based on mitochondrial DNA , the western clade of M. ornata clusters together with M. phoebe, while the eastern clade is well-separated. In contrast to this, the combined nuDNA-based analysis revealed that M. ornata forms a monophyletic group which is clearly separated from M. phoebe. The timing of divergence analyses suggest that the split between M. ornata and M. phoebe is about 6 million years old based on both the COI and the concatenated nuclear genes. SDM predicted considerably larger area shifts for M. phoebe than for M. ornata. LGM refugia were predicted for both species to the Mediterranean peninsulas in Europe and several Middle-East and Asian localities. The prevalence of Wolbachia infection was 88.9% in M. phoebe and only 7% in M. ornata. Our results clearly indicate a lack of ongoing hybridization between M. phoebe and M. ornata, but argue for an ancient hybridization event in the Apennine Peninsula which strongly influenced the observed split between the two clades of M. ornata.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Last Glacial Maximum
species distribution modelling
Megjelenés:Biological Journal Of The Linnean Society. - 121 : 2 (2017), p. 267-281. -
További szerzők:Varga Zoltán Verovnik, Rudi Wahlberg, Niklas Váradi Alex (1991-) (biológus) Bereczki Judit (1979-) (biológus)
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