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001-es BibID:BIBFORM069242
Első szerző:Szimkovics Tamás (informatikus, informatika tanár)
Cím:Online kurzuskészítés oktatásának elméleti és gyakorlati kérdései a pedagógusképzésben / Szimkovics Tamás
Megjegyzések:The methodology and benefits of e-learning is well known for almost all teachers. The quality of free online learning systems is high. LMS systems are still rarely used, especially in public education as a blended form of traditional education. One of the main reasons might be that the importance of usage of e-learning system among the ICT skills is not properly emphasized in the teachers training programs. In university courses, the pure online methodology appear more rarely then we could expect in the 20th century.In this paper we examine and give suggestion what would be worth to add in teacher training to expanding the ICT knowledge with the e-learning technology and methodology. We show some examples about the possibilities how to introduce blended learning in secondary school and higher education and how to support project work by using online tools. Interaction and feedback opportunities are also presented.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok tanulmány, értekezés
project work
blended learning
Megjelenés:A pedagógusképzés XXI. századi kihívásai / szerk. Péntek Imre, Szállassy Noémi, Zsoldos Marchis Juliánna. - p. 100-107. -
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