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001-es BibID:BIBFORM069296
Első szerző:Berei Emese Beáta (tanár, szociális szakértő)
Cím:Familii cu atribuţii speciale în domeniul protecţiei copilului - asistenţi maternali, părinţi sociali, familii substitutive / Emese Beáta Berei
Megjegyzések:This article presents families receiving around them children in needs from the special system protection (foster families). I investigated their involvement in care and education activities, their relationship with the education and child protection system. The purpose of this work was the presentation of experiences, needs, difficulties, crises and the formulation of some proposals to improve the work of these families for children in need. I visited 20 families in Bihor and Salaj counties, directly involved in the work of child protection in the last ten years and I added my experience of ten years with children in need. I used qualitative methodology to collected data. Through 20 semi-structured interviews we discussed the following topics: preparation training for protection work, the challenges of daily activities, the relationship with education and special protection system. The article established the viewpoint that foster family is a special familial system with special needs.
ISBN:978 606 10 0796 7
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Szociológiai tudományok előadáskivonat
experience in care
family foster
child in need
family-system relationship
Megjelenés:Cercetare și politici sociale : Volumul conferinței naţionale cu participare internațională organizată de Facultatea de Ştiinţe Socio-Umane, Universitatea din Oradea, în 28-29 mai 2010 / Coord. Sergiu Bălțătescu et al. - p. 226-229. -
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