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001-es BibID:BIBFORM069607
Első szerző:Kovács József (fizikus)
Cím:Optimized regulator for the quantized anharmonic oscillator / J. Kovacs, S. Nagy, K. Sailer
ISSN:0217-751X 1793-656X
Megjegyzések:The energy gap between the first excited state and the ground state is calculated for the quantized anharmonic oscillator in the framework of the functional renormalization group method. The compactly supported smooth regulator is used which includes various types of regulators as limiting cases. It was found that the value of the energy gap depends on the regulator parameters. We argue that the optimization based on the disappearance of the false, broken symmetric phase of the model leads to the Litim's regulator. The least sensitivity on the regulator parameters leads, however, to an IR regulator being somewhat different of the Litim's one, but it can be described as a perturbatively improved, or generalized Litim's regulator and provides analytic evolution equations, too.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:International Journal Of Modern Physics A 30 : 12 (2015), p. 1550058-1-11. -
További szerzők:Nagy Sándor (1975-) (fizikus) Sailer Kornél (1951-) (fizikus)
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