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001-es BibID:BIBFORM070441
Első szerző:Bakó Mária (matematika-informatika tanár)
Cím:Digital divide in Debrecen and perspectives / Mária Bakó
Megjegyzések:The term digital divide refers to the gap between people with effectiveaccess to digital and information technology and those with very limitedor no access at all. There many imbalances in many sociological variablesbetween these two groups, the most important dimensions are the income,profession, education, gender and age. The biggest gap in the Internet accessare the age and to belonging to a different generation. According to [3] it isvery hard to bridge this gap, the pensioners have the lowest Internet access,young people use Internet ten times likely than a oldest ones. One third ofthe 25 years or younger use the Internet, while only 3 percent of 65 years oldor older. Of course we can assume, that the differences according to the agebecame smaller, because the Internet generation get pensioner in the future,too.At the spring of 2009 we made a survey in senior citizen clubs of Debrecen,Hungary. We inquired that that they know about Internet and do theyuse Internet, or they would learn that if they would have free opportunity.Moreover we asked them about their credit and debit card usage habits, too.In this article we present the results of the survey and try to find the reasonsof protest of pensioners.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok tanulmány, értekezés
digital divide
Megjelenés:Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Applied Informatics / eds. Attila Egri-Nagy, Emőd Kovács, Gergely Kovásznai, Gábor Kusper, Tibor Tómács. - p. 397-403. -
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