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001-es BibID:BIBFORM070928
Első szerző:Molnár Zsolt (mechatronikai mérnök)
Cím:A novel design of an air-cushion vehicle and its implementation / Zsolt Molnár, István Erdei Timotei, Obinna, Nwachukwu C., Géza Husi
Megjegyzések:Recent advancements of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has led to an increase in public acceptance and availability of manufacturing technologies for these vehicles. This paper is concerned with the development of an air-cushion vehicle (ACV) utilizing the aforementioned manufacturing technologies. Exploiting similarities between UAVs and ACVs, and compensating for their differences, a unique hovercraft is designed and fabricated. The goal of the project is designing an ACV which can be controlled as an UAV without the dangers of easily damaging it. An overview of the development procedure of the hardware, software and implementation of the design is presented within this text.
Molnár Zsolt (1994-) (mérnök): A Novel Design of an Air-Cushion Vehicle and Its Implementation
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Gépészeti tudományok konferenciacikk
aerial vehicles
Megjelenés:MATEC Web of Conferences. - 126 : Paper 02004 (2017), p. [4]. -
További szerzők:Erdei Timotei István (1990-) (mechatronikai mérnök) Obinna, Nwachukwu C. (mérnök) Husi Géza (1962-) (gépészmérnök, mechatronikai mérnök, számítógépes tervezőmérnök)
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