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001-es BibID:BIBFORM071338
035-os BibID:(WoS)000416600200029 (Scopus)85036498247
Első szerző:Küppers, Lisa
Cím:Lactones from the Sponge-Derived Fungus Talaromyces rugulosus / Lisa Küppers, Weaam Ebrahim, Mona El-Neketi, Ferhat C. Özkaya, Attila Mándi, Tibor Kurtán, Raha S. Orfali, Werner E. G. Müller, Rudolf Hartmann, Wenhan Lin, Weiguo Song, Zhen Liu, Peter Proksch
Megjegyzések:The marine-derived fungus Talaromyces rugulosus isolated from the Mediterranean sponge Axinella cannabina and cultured on solid rice medium yielded seventeen lactone derivatives including five butenolides (1-5), seven (3S)-resorcylide derivatives (6-12), two butenolide-resorcylide dimers (13 and 14), and three dihydroisocoumarins (15-17). Among them, fourteen compounds (1-3, 6-16) are new natural products. The structures of the isolated compounds were elucidated by 1D and 2D NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectroscopy as well as by ESI-HRMS (ElectroSpray Ionization-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry). TDDFT-ECD (Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory-Electronic Circular Dichroism) calculations were performed to determine the absolute configurations of chiral compounds. The butenolide-resorcylide dimers talarodilactones A and B (13 and 14) exhibited potent cytotoxicity against the L5178Y murine lymphoma cell line with IC50 values of 3.9 and 1.3 ?M, respectively.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Talaromyces rugulosus
ECD calculation
Megjelenés:Marine Drugs. - 15 : 11 (2017), p. 359-374. -
További szerzők:Ebrahim, Weaam El-Neketi, Mona Özkaya, Ferhat Mándi Attila (1981-) (vegyész, német szakfordító) Kurtán Tibor (1973-) (vegyész, angol szakfordító) Orfali, Raha Müller, Werner E. G. Hartmann, Rudolf Lin, Wen Han Song, Weiguo Liu, Zhen Proksch, Peter
Pályázati támogatás:NKFI K120181, PD121020
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