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001-es BibID:BIBFORM072029
Első szerző:Béki Piroska (közgazdász)
Cím:Women on ice - gender equalization / Piroska Béki, Gábor Géczi
ISSN:1789-221X 1789-7874
Megjegyzések:In the last decades the women started to do sports which were originally masculine (Pfister, 1990). The parity led to the slowtransformation of the old-school thinking about the traditional roles of sexes (Hall, 1996). The main questions of our investigation werewhether the athletes' thought of the figure skating and the ice hockey are different according to their sport or to the existing stereotypes in theHungarian sport society. We used semi-structured interviews to gather opinions of two different gender type icy sports' top women athletes(figure skating and ice hockey) to see their viewpoints about the gender equalization. We can verify Metheny (1965) findings, that the socialacceptance or refusal of women in sports on the basis of traditional features is changing slightly.Research questions were: Are there differences in the childhood sport socialization processes of the representatives of the two sports? Whatwas the motivation behind their choice of sports? Are there differences in the gender identities of female athletes? What is the athletes' opinionon one another and the representatives of the other sport? Method was semi-structured in-depth interviews and the samples were the membersof the Hungarian women ice hockey and figure skating national team.According to our results family and siblings were decisive in the childhood socialization process. Early age patterns do not seem to havemuch influence on the selection of sport. Although among water polo/ice hockey girls there were a few tomboys. Among the ice hockey teammembers there were girlish girls and boyish girls as well, but among the figure skaters there were no one who was boyish. No differencescan be observed in their views on gender roles concerning for example employment or housework.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
female roles
gender identity
ice hockey
figure skating
Megjelenés:Apstract 11 : 1-2 (2017), p. 137-146. -
További szerzők:Géczi Gábor (1968-) (sportközgazdász)
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