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001-es BibID:BIBFORM072645
Első szerző:Pálinkás Sándor (anyagmérnök, gépészmérnök)
Cím:Investigation of Hot Metal Powder Spray Fusing of Cultivator Tines After Tilth / Sándor Pálinkás, Lajos Fazekas, Ágnes Battáné Gindert-Kele, András Molnár, Zoltán Hagymássy
Megjegyzések:Konferencia helye, ideje: Debrecen, Magyarország, 2017.10.12-2017.10.13.
Wear is known to be as the degradation of material under plethora of service conditions and isconsidered as one of the major issue of the material used in engineering. Many types of wear havebeen recognized such as abrasive, erosive, corrosion, oxidation etc. Abrasive wear is probably themost significant cause of mechanical damage of equipment components coming in contact withabrasive bodies. For combating with wear problem various methods have also been developed suchas hard facing, cryogenic treatment, coating and heat treatment of components which are chosen onthe basis of various conditions under which the component has to perform the desired work. Thewear of the component depends on its surface characteristics like roughness, microstructure andhardness. The abrasive wear in agriculture equipments is the most common problem. The highwear rate of ground engaging tools led to huge loss of material, recurring labor, downtime andreplacement costs of worn out parts. Hardfacing is commonly employed method to improve surfaceproperties of tillage tools.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Gépészeti tudományok tanulmány, értekezés
abrasive wear
agricultural equipments
ground engaging tools
collimator body
Megjelenés:Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ISCAME 2017) / eds. Sándor Bodzás, Tamás Mankovits. - p. 397-405. -
További szerzők:Molnár András (mérnök) Hagymássy Zoltán (1958-) (gépészmérnök) Battáné Gindert-Kele Ágnes (1959-2019) (gépészmérnök) Fazekas Lajos (1950-) (gépészmérnök)
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