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001-es BibID:BIBFORM072989
Első szerző:Somogyi Viktória (biotechnológus)
Cím:Effects of aging and gender on micro-rheology of blood in 3 to 18 months old male and female Wistar (Crl:WI) rats / Viktoria Somogyi, Katalin Peto, Adam Deak, Bence Tanczos, Norbert Nemeth
ISSN:0006-355X 1878-5034
Megjegyzések:BACKGROUND: Age- and gender-related alterations of hemorheological parameters havenot been completely elucidated yet. Experiments on elder animals may give valuableinformation for this issue. However, majority of the studies are performed in young rodents.OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the influence of aging and gender onhemorheological parameters in rats.METHODS: Coeval male (n=10) and female (n=10) Wistar (Crl:WI) rats were followed-upover a one-year period. Blood samples were obtained from the lateral tail vein at their age of3, 4, 5, 9, 12, 15 and 18 months. Hematological parameters, red blood cell deformability,osmotic gradient deformability and membrane stability as well as erythrocyte aggregationwere tested. Body weight, temperature and the estrus cycle of the female rats were alsoexamined.RESULTS: The micro-rheological parameters (dominantly erythrocyte aggregation) showedage-related alterations with gender differences. Red blood cell deformability graduallyworsened over age of 12-month, and erythrocyte aggregation index values showed irregularchanges during the follow-up period.CONCLUSIONS: The micro-rheological parameters showed age-related alterations withgender differences. The effect of estrus cycle cannot be excluded. These data could be usefulfor studying further the mechanism related to age and gender differences in hemorheologicalparameters in rats.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
red blood cell deformability
red blood cell aggregation
gender differences
Megjelenés:Biorheology. - 54 : 5-6 (2018), p. 127-140. -
További szerzők:Pető Katalin (1961-) (kutatóorvos) (Kísérletes orvostudomány) Deák Ádám (1974-) (állatorvos) Tánczos Bence (1987-) (biológus) Németh Norbert (1975-) (kutatóorvos)
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