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001-es BibID:BIBFORM073165
Első szerző:Korenová Lilla (matematika módszertan)
Cím:Augmented Reality in mathematics education in primary / Lilla Korenová, Ibolya Veress-Bágyi
Megjegyzések:Augmented Reality technology enables us to develop new learning methods for mathematics education both in the elementary and primary school. This paper shows the using of Augmented Reality (AR) in educational environments, especially in the mathematics problem solving. In the article, a list of the best AR applications in math learning are presented which can be used for problem solving in constructionist environment. One of them, the Augmented polyhedrons, which was applied in the classroom, is described thoroughly and supported with a qualitative assessment as well.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok előadáskivonat
augmented reality
mathematics education
problem solving
Megjelenés:Problem Solving in Mathematics Education : Proceedings of the 19th ProMath conference from August 30 to September 1, 2017 in Budapest / Eds. András Ambrus, Éva Vásárhelyi. - p. 55-67
További szerzők:Veress-Bágyi Ibolya (1981-) (informatikus, matematikus)
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