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001-es BibID:BIBFORM073529
Első szerző:Neamah, Husam A. (mérnök)
Cím:Recent trends in robotic systems for upper-limb stroke recovery: A low-cost hand and wrist rehabilitation device / Almusawi Husam AbdulKareem, Afghan Syeda Adila, Géza Husi
Megjegyzések:Over the years, hand rehabilitation devices have advanced drastically in terms of technological trends but due to the complex structure and intricateness of the human hands, it imposes a great difficulty on the development of an efficient hand rehabilitation devices. This paper demonstrates the trends and technologies associated with upper limb rehabilitation specifically for hand and wrist motion. The state of the art devices has been classified and categorized in terms of therapy, mechanical structure and control strategy. This paper gives an outlook regarding the various available robotic technological advancement in terms of mechanical design and followed by our own hand and wrist rehabilitation device along with its features.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Villamosmérnöki tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:2nd International Symposium on Small-scale Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (SIMS), 2018. - p. 1-6. -
További szerzők:Afghan, Syeda Adila (1988-) (mérnök) Husi Géza (1962-) (gépészmérnök, mechatronikai mérnök, számítógépes tervezőmérnök)
Internet cím:DOI
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