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001-es BibID:BIBFORM074305
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85049535475 (WOS)000445543500094 (cikkazonosító)1388
Első szerző:Sándor János (orvos-epidemiológus)
Cím:Association between the General Practitioner Workforce Crisis and Premature Mortality in Hungary : cross-Sectional Evaluation of Health Insurance Data from 2006 to 2014 / János Sándor, Anita Pálinkás, Ferenc Vincze, Valéria Sipos, Nóra Kovács, Tibor Jenei, Zsófia Falusi, László Pál, László Kőrösi, Magor Papp, Róza Ádány
ISSN:1661-7827 1660-4601
Megjegyzések:The workforce crisis of primary care is reflected in the increasing number of general medicalpractices (GMP) with vacant general practitioner (GP) positions, and the GPs' ageing. Our studyaimed to describe the association between this crisis and premature mortality. Age-sex-standardizedmortality for 18?64 years old adults was calculated for all Hungarian GMPs annually in the periodfrom 2006 to 2014. The relationship of premature mortality with GPs' age and vacant GP positionswas evaluated by standardized linear regression controlled for list size, urbanization, geographicallocation, clients' education, and type of the GMP. The clients' education was the strongest protectivefactor (beta = ??0175; p < 0.001), followed by urban residence (beta = ??0.149; p < 0.001), and bigger listsize (beta1601?2000 = ??0.054; p < 0.001; beta2001??X = ??0.096; p < 0.001). The geographical localizationalso significantly influenced the risk. Although GMPs with a GP aged older than 65 years (beta = 0;p = 0.995) did not affect the risk, GP vacancy was associated with higher risk (beta = 0.010; p = 0.033),although the corresponding number of attributable cases was 23.54 over 9 years. The vacant GPposition is associated with a significant but hardly detectable increased risk of premature mortalitywithout considerable public health importance. Nevertheless, employment of GPs aged more than65 does not impose premature mortality risk elevation.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
primary health care
workforce crisis
general practitioner vacancy
aging of general practitioners
premature mortality
Megjelenés:International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. - 15 : 7 (2018), p. 1388-. -
További szerzők:Pálinkás Anita (1988-) (népegészségügyi szakember) Vincze Ferenc (1987-) (táplákozástudományi szakember, epidemiológus) Sipos Valéria (1988-) (népegészségügyi szakember) Kovács Nóra (1989-) (népegészségügyi szakember) Jenei Tibor (1963-) (programtervező informatikus) Falusi Zsófia Pál László Kőrösi László Papp Magor Csongor (1978-) (háziorvostan szakorvos) Ádány Róza (1952-) (megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan szakorvos)
Pályázati támogatás:Swiss Contribution Programme
MTA 11003
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