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001-es BibID:BIBFORM074556
Első szerző:Chrappán Magdolna (didaktikus)
Cím:Transition of teacher in-service trainings and research teacher ambitions in Hungary / Chrappán Magdolna, Bencze Rita
Megjegyzések:In Hungary-besides the general European professional trends-the significant changes in education policytaking place after 2010, especially professional requirement system of the "teacher's life career model",have put even more emphasis on teachers' in-service trainings and also on the research of active teacherswhose ambition is to gain a doctorate degree. At the University of Debrecen there has been going on aresearch in teachers' in-service training attitude for three years: in the fall of 2011 and spring of 2014surveys of 1400 were carried out. The questionnaire investigates attitudes towards in-service trainings,examines human resources, the content of in-service trainings and a set of questions deals with the futureplans of in-service trainings. Apart from these another essential purpose of the research was to find outwhether teachers are willing to join doctorate trainings and participate in public education researchactivities.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok könyvfejezet
in-service teacher trainings
research teacher
PhD-programmes for teachers
life career model in Hungary
EdD degree
Megjelenés:ATEE Annual Conference "Transitions in teacher education and professional identities" : Proceedings. - p. 319-327. -
További szerzők:Bencze Rita (1966-) (angol-magyar nyelv és irodalom szakos tanár)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.1.2.B.2-13/1-2013-0009
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