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001-es BibID:BIBFORM074592
035-os BibID:(scopus)85054932408 (wos)000440703300001
Első szerző:Boruzs Klára (környezetkutató vegyész és MBA)
Cím:High Inequalities Associated With Socioeconomic Deprivation in Cardiovascular Disease Burden and Antihypertensive Medication in Hungary / Boruzs Klára, Juhász Attila, Nagy Csilla, Szabó Zoltán, Jakovljevic Mihajlo, Bíró Klára, Ádány Róza
Megjegyzések:The wide life expectancy gap between the old and new member states of the EuropeanUnion is most strongly related to the high rate of premature mortality caused bycardiovascular diseases (CVDs). To learn more about the background of this gap,the relationship of socioeconomic status (SES) with CVD mortality, morbidity andthe utilization of antihypertensive drugs was studied in Hungary, a Central-EasternEuropean country with an extremely high relative risk of premature CVD mortality. Riskanalysis capabilities were used to estimate the relationships between SES, which wascharacterized by tertiles of a multidimensional composite indicator (the deprivation index)and CVD burden (mortality and morbidity) as well as the antihypertensive medicationsat the district level in Hungary. The excess risks caused by premature mortality fromCVDs showed a strong correlation with deprivation using the Rapid Inquiry Facility. Thedistribution of prevalence values related to these diseases was found to be similar, butin the areas of highest deprivation, where the prevalence of chronic ischaemic heartdiseases and cerebrovascular diseases was found to be higher than the national averageby 30 and 20%, the prevalence of hypertension exceeded the national average by only4%. A linear association between the relative frequency of prescriptions/redemptions anddeprivation for most antihypertensive drugs, except angiotensinogen receptor blockers,was shown. More intense screening for hypertension is proposed to improve the controlof CVDs in countries affected by high disease burden.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
antihypertensive drugs
cardiovascular mortality
primary care
primary non-compliance
Megjelenés:Frontiers in Pharmacology. - 9 (2018), p. 1-14. -
További szerzők:Juhász Attila (1970-) (epidemiológus) Nagy Csilla (1970-) (epidemiológus, népegészségügyi szakember) Szabó Zoltán (1973-) (belgyógyász, kardiológus) Jakovljevic, Mihajlo Bíró Klára (1970-) (egészségügyi menedzsment) Ádány Róza (1952-) (megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan szakorvos)
Pályázati támogatás:MTA-TKI: 2011TKI473
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