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001-es BibID:BIBFORM075078
035-os BibID:(WoS)000424545000012 (Scopus)85039779647
Első szerző:Tóth Ákos (programtervező informatikus)
Cím:Comparison and affine combination of generalized barycentric coordinates for convex polygons / Tóth Ákos
ISSN:1787-5021 1787-6117
Megjegyzések:In this paper, we study and compare different types of generalized barycentric coordinates in detail, including Wachspress, discrete harmonic and mean value coordinates for convex,n-sided polygons. Contour lines are computed in each barycentric coordinate method, and curvature plots of thesecontour line curves are visualized. Moreover, different distortions of uniform patterns are also shown, providing exact visual method to compare these methods. To overcome the shortcomings of different generalized barycentric computations, affine combination of methods is provided.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae. - 47 (2017), p. 185-200. -
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