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001-es BibID:BIBFORM075096
Első szerző:Zsámba Renáta (egyetemi tanársegéd)
Cím:Figures of Memory : The Gentleman Detective / Zsámba Renáta
Megjegyzések:Figures of Memory: The Gentleman Detective in Golden Age Crime FictionAuthors of Golden Age crime fiction were engaged in reconstructing an idealised past in order to comfort the people after the Great War, including certain milieus and figures that reinforced the myth of Englishness. The figure of the gentleman-detective may be seen as part of this endeavour, since the term "has come to be appropriated as a symbol for quintessential Englishness?often made in a nostalgic manner, praising something which appears to be lost" claims Christine Berberich in The Image of the English Gentleman in Twentieth-Century Literature.. With their aristocratic background, good manners and excellent education ? Oxford and Cambridge ? they bring back "the supposed felicities of particular times?and? compelling images of a golden age" as Lowenthal remarks in The Past is a Foreign Country. Neverheless, the figure was no longer unequivocal in twentieth-century literature: although the gentleman tends to express nostalgia, other writers "use him to deconstruct the myths surrounding him or to reflect changes in society" points out Berberich. Thus, the figure of the gentleman is thoroughly ambiguous, as in Golden Age crime fiction, which is in two minds about the gentleman. This is part of what Alison Light calls the Janus-faced quality of the genre, and it seems that it is especially the hyphenated figure of the gentleman-detective who is endowed with features and abilities that make him a figure representing both the past and the present. Being a gentleman in the old sense allows him to celebrate the past and sustain the memory world of middle-class recollections, while being a detective ? collaborating with the police ? makes him remarkably competent in the modern world. Looking backward and forward, he occupies an ambiguous position, emerging finally as removed from its iconic position in favour of adapting to the challenges of his contemporary world. This feature can be traced in Sayers's and Allingham's crime fiction. To justify my argument, I am going to analyse the figure of the gentleman detective in two novels, Lord Peter Wimsey in The Nine Tailors by Sayers and Mr. Campion in Police at the Funeral by Allingham ? both of them crucial in the memory politics of post-war crime fiction.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Irodalom- és kultúratudományok tanulmány, értekezés
Megjelenés:Trauma és válság a századfordulón Irodalom, művészet, filozófia / Ed. Loboczky János, Kusper Judit. - p. 1-8. -
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