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001-es BibID:BIBFORM075113
Első szerző:Schranz Edit (szociológus)
Cím:Community is more than just a physical space / Schranz Edit
Megjegyzések:György Csepeli, in his 2014 study, writes that the trust in the entirety of the modernsocial system which is shown by the members of the society towards the economicand political elite shows whether a society is ideal or not. He believes that trustappears as a tool of collective reflection on social phenomena and distinguishesbetween the trust of members of society in the social system (confidence) andtrust between people (trust). He puts an emphasis on the fact that high confidenceindex both at the level of interpersonal and interactive relations refers to the idealfunctioning of society. In the opposite case it is very likely called crisis (Csepeli 2014).On the other hand, Csepeli considers the two intermediate states, when confidencein society exists, but trust between people does not, and the inverse of this, theindicators of change. "It's a sign of regression into the Gemeinschaft state if confidencedisappears but trust remains." (Csepeli 2014: 19 refers to Kornai ? Rothstein ? Rose? Ackerman 2005)It's not by chance that we deal somewhat longer with the word confidence itselfas an instrument of communal reflection given to social phenomena?as mentionedabove. It will get an important role in the next part of this study, where we intend todemonstrate by a definite population existing signs that may indicate changes actingtowards disintegration in a society.We can find the the elements of the aforemetioned idea in a different form inFerdinand Tönnies's work already. In his Community and Society (1887), he wasthe first to make ideotypical differentiation (Csepeli 2014) between communalorganization marking the natural state of man and later social organizations (Tönnies2002). Theories set forth by Tönnies, on the one hand, allow us to notice not onlythe difference between the relationships developed from "security"-based, natural,family communities and communities of modern society made up of individuals onpurpose based on superficial contacts. On the other hand, they give an opportunityfor us to carry on the thought until we anatomize the operative functions of modernsociety, to the ideas of authentic and - in respect of the whole society - unauthenticexistence of the economic and political system.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Szociológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Metszetek. - 4 : 4 (2015), p. 129-145. -
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