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001-es BibID:BIBFORM075638
Első szerző:Dubey, Shubham (informatikus)
Cím:System for providing news associated with location / S. Dubey, R. Jhaggar, N. Jhariya, A. Thakur
Megjegyzések:It is the age of science, when news updates are much needed to people of each profession. Sometimes we met with conditions when instantaneous news about any area or a region of glob has been highly demanded. The main objective of this research is to get the frequent news of any specific area or region. The rapid growth of technology enforces us to be innovative and make a system with instantaneous characteristics. Systems (applications, news channels, radio etc) those exist so far are delayed based service providers as well as time instant ability is concern. Here in this research we have designed a system which will give instant information to user about target region. Our research is an integration of Google maps and Google news. It is a tool which gives the news about a place being searched on map by using place markers. Although this job can be achieved by the users but by using two tabs on the browser, one window showing the Google map and the other window for news and that too have to be searched about the place. So, this application makes the work of the user simpler instead of going for two tabs, it can be achieved in a single page. The paper gives a path to researchers to enhance the live news feature and improve instinctive nature of news.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Google maps
Google news
instinctive nature
Megjelenés:International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science and Engineering. - 5 : 3 (2017), p. 25-29. -
További szerzők:Jhaggar, R. Jhariya, N. Thakur, A.
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