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001-es BibID:BIBFORM076555
Első szerző:Farkas Péter (vadgazdálkodási szakmérnök)
Cím:The experiments of live capture of the European brown hare in Hungarian Great Plain / Farkas Péter
Megjegyzések:The importance of r-strategist brown hare in terms of the financial revenues of hunting assotiations in Hungary are high. The estimated number of brown hare population is about 414 470 individuals in our country (Csányi et al., 2016). During the last hunting season 92 452 animals were hunted and the proportion of live capture made up more than 25% of it. This ratio of the early seventies was almost 50-50%. The most of hares were taken from Békés, Csongrád, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok counties. Most frequently the animals were sold for out-breeding and hunting to France and to Italy. The price of live hares more than double of the shot ones, reaches 100 Eur for each sold animals in 2016. Unfortunately many times the planned revenue is determined by the number of the captured hares. For the past three winter the effectiveness of two capture methods were examined in Bács-Kiskun and Békés county. Both capturing methods were efficient the ground net also works well in windy weather the capture with set up net more time consuming. Several factors affect the successful hunting: weather (favorable mild frost and 1-2 cm snow without wind), direction of wind, place of net, number of people involved in beat, the distance of beat. The work of people who gathering the hares requires speed and practice. Despite the greatest care the loss occured around 0,5-1% in case of both methods. The optimum period of capture time would be in early December.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Erdészeti és vadgazdálkodási tudományok előadáskivonat
Brown hare
live capture
small game export
Megjelenés:15th Wellmann International Scientific Conference : book of abstracts: Towards sustainable agriculture: an interdisciplinary approach / szerk. Monostori, Tamás. - p. 38. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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