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001-es BibID:BIBFORM077746
Első szerző:Zsembeli József (agrármérnök)
Cím:Climate change at local level on the base of the air temperature and precipitation data of the weather station of Karcag / József Zsembeli, Györgyi Kovács, Géza Tuba, Krisztina Czellér, Csaba Juhász
Megjegyzések:On the base of the analysis of the temperature and precipitation data recorded in Karcag between 2005 and 2017 it can be concluded that our climate is very changeable, unpredictable making agricultural production, especially crop production more risky and complicated. The change of temperature tends to warming up on the base of the data recorded in the last 13 years. We do not consider the precipitation data recorded from 2005 to 2017 sufficient to judge the tendency of the change in that respect, though the increasing changeability is obvious as found real extremes even a relatively short investigation period.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok könyvfejezet
temporal variability
air temperature
Megjelenés:Creating a platform to address the techniques used in creation and protection of environment and in economic management of water in the soil / Máchal Pavel. - p. 43-49. -
További szerzők:Kovács Györgyi (1980-) (környezetgazdálkodási agrármérnök) Tuba Géza (1973-) (agrármérnök, környezetgazdálkodási szakmérnők) Czellér Krisztina (1985-) (geográfus) Juhász Csaba (1962-) (környezetgazdálkodási agrármérnök)
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