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001-es BibID:BIBFORM077774
Első szerző:Mahajan, Harshit
Cím:Security Modeling of Parametric Capturing Tool (PCT) in Analytical layer Service for e-Learning Resources / Harshit Mahajan, Sunny Raikwar, Shubham Dubey, Shaligram Prajapat
Megjegyzések:International Journal of Advanced Studies of Scientific Research. - 4 : 1 (2018), p. 1-17. -2469-4010
Exam score is not enough for assessing any learner. In the current scenario marks are used as a tool to assess, maybe the learner is extraordinary fast in speed or possesses good analytical abilities which are not exactly counted by marks only. Secure objective Assessment should be done on various parameters. Since many online learning assessment methods require accessing multiple web pages on personal information which can also be useful in gathering much more information(Ignoring the hacker's perspective to exploit these details). With the help of JavaScript, many different parameters can be found out. For the experimental set-up, a library using JavaScript can be created which can gather data as per requirement and send this to a centralized server for further analysis. More specifically one student who earn any online certification from good university not as much worth as any offline full-time degree program from good university study below focus and making these online certification systems much reliable by a standard. This paper emphasizes on the creation of a javascript library to fetch the parameters related to online test and help to identify students behavior during training and online assessment, in secure environment without considering hacker's perspective.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok nem besorolt
További szerzők:Raikwar, Sunny Dubey, Shubham (1994-) (informatikus) Prajapat, Shaligram
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