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001-es BibID:BIBFORM077954
Első szerző:Herdon Miklós (gépészmérnök)
Cím:Decision support system applications in the Hungarian food industry / M. Herdon, A. S. Debrenti, A. Csordás
Megjegyzések:The food market has changed dramatically in the past decades. It is likely that the economics of scale will continue to be important when competing for the attention of consumers with decreasing buying power. For the production industry in general, there are various reasons why companies choose to invest in traceability systems and decision support systems. Today businesses in the food sector are faced with a number of problems: decreasing profitability, increasing competition and rapidly changing consumer demands, resulting from the global crisis. Decision support systems have recently proved themselves to be helpful tools and are becoming essential to stay competitive within most sectors of the food industry. If they want to effectively carry out their everyday tasks, react quickly to control the operation of the business while complying with statutory requirements, it is indispensable for them to use ICT tools, different applications, such as ERP, DSS, CRM, BI, DM. We analyzed the trends and current situation in Hungary based on secondary and primary based research.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
food sector
DSS technologies
Megjelenés:Journal of EcoAgriTourism. - 14 : 1 (2018), p. 11-17. -
További szerzők:Debrenti Attila Sándor Csordás Adrián (1993-) (közgazdász)
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