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001-es BibID:BIBFORM079926
Első szerző:Boda István Károly (könyvtáros, informatikus)
Cím:Developing a 3D virtual library model based on the ancient Library of Alexandria / István Boda, Erzsébet Tóth, István Csont, László T. Nagy
Megjegyzések:In our paper we describe in detail a three-dimensional virtual library model inspired by the system and presumable content of the ancient Library of Alexandria. In addition, we introduce one the possible implementation of our virtual library model based on the VirCA system and web technology (such as HTML, CSS, PHP etc.). In our model, we used the classification system elaborated by the famous librarian, poet and scholar Callimachus. Focusing primarily on the field of Greek poetry and drama in the 3rd century BC, in the current implementation of our model we selected those ancient and well-known authors whose texts, completed with short biographical data, may be a good starting point for the content of the virtual library. Currently we prefer various English translations of the selected ancient Greek texts with an intention to gradually improve the content of the library with other texts and multimedia materials (other translations, paintings, images of papyri, sculptures, commentaries, selected quotations, dictionary and encyclopedia entries, related texts from the ancient and modern culture etc.) which form background knowledge for the interpretation of the processed texts. We describe a scale-free network model, the so-called Alexandrian model of network, which the organization and future development of the virtual library is based on. Finally, we discuss the main purpose of our virtual library model and its possible relationships with the current cognitive infocommunications research.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Informatikai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
három-dimenziós virtuális könyvtári modell
térbeli hiperszöveg
skála független hálózatok
Alexandriai hálózati modell
Megjelenés:Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems. - 14 : 4 (2016), p. 19-29. -
További szerzők:Tóth Erzsébet (1972-) (informatikus könyvtáros) Csont István (1987-) (könyvtáros, informatikus) Nagy László, T. (1974-) (informatikus)
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