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001-es BibID:BIBFORM081271
Első szerző:Lőrincz Mónika Mária (komponensvezető, felnőttképzési szakértő)
Cím:A magyar református felsőoktatás megújuló hagyományai / Lőrincz Mónika Mária
Megjegyzések:Renewal of the traditions of Hungarian Reformed Education Mónika Mária Lőrincz graduate PhD student, component manager University of Debrecen Doctoral School of History and Ethnography, National Office of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning e-mail: lorincz.monika@arts.unideb.hu Keywords: reformed, education, higher education, tradition, renewal The subject of my doctoral research is the examination of the traditions and reorganization of the reformed church education from the regime change to the present day, with special regard to the Trans-Tisza region Church District. The history of culture in Hungary from 1990 up to now is decisive in the life of the churches in cultural and educational terms. My main questions: Can Reformed Traditions be identified in Education? Was it possible to bring the Calvinist surplus back to the life of the institutions that worked for more than 40 years in a totally different spirit? What does the word ♭Reformed' mean in the name of schools, only the maintainer is different, or can an additional inherent value be detected? How long does it take to reform a school and become a "reformed" institution? Within this framework, the examination of the role, size and education of the Calvinist ecclesiastical higher education is being studied from the beginning to the turn of the century until the educational regulations of the 50s, and then we trace the renewal after the regime change. Finally, we look at cross-border Hungarian higher education relations. The main parts of the presentation are: The beginnings and evolution of Hungarian reformed church higher education The effect of the regulations of the 50s on church education Institutional renewal following the regime change Today's Reformed Higher Education in Numbers An overview of cross-border Reformed higher education, especially in the case of trainings in Hungarian
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Néprajz és kulturális antropológiai tudományok könyvfejezet
Megjelenés:Folytonosság és megszakítottság a magyar kultúrában / Csapó Mónika. - [Közlésre elfogadva], p. 1-23
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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