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001-es BibID:BIBFORM082552
Első szerző:Alhendi, Osama (economist)
Cím:The impact of the quality of education in English on Hungary's economy / Osama Alhendi
Megjegyzések:Thestudy aims to explainthe impact of the Proficiency Index in English (EPI) on Quality Education (Sustainable Development Goal No. 4),on the development of countries globally and specifically on the development of Hungary. In order to make this point, the study used the Pearson correlation test (via SPSS software), GDP scores (IMF report) and EPI (Education First Ltd report) with data from 2017. The study was based on a survey carried out on 107 foreign students in the area of Debrecen. The questionnaire took language barriersand daily commercial transactions into consideration. According to the study EPI influenced positively on both Quality Education and the national economy. Besides that, the questionnaire indicated that foreign students faced many obstacles to communicate and socialize. The survey also provided a number of useful suggestions and solutions regarding this case.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Közgazdaságtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Cross-Cultural Management Journal. - 21 : 1 (2019), p. 35-43. -
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