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001-es BibID:BIBFORM082629
Első szerző:Molnár V. Attila (biológus, botanikus)
Cím:Vadon élő növények felhasználása Magyarországon, Kitaibel Pál (1757-1817) útinaplói alapján / Molnár Attila
Megjegyzések:The paper briefly summarizes data of the usages of wild plants in the Kingdom of Hungary, based on diaries of the outstanding Hungarian botanist, Pál Kitaibel (1757-1817). During all his monumental expeditions he collected not only herbarium specimens, living plants, propagules and minerals, but also hundreds of folk plant names, which attests to his deep commitment and extensive interest in ethnobotany. His travel diaries represent authentic and rich sources inter alia different kind of usages of native plants two centuries ago in central Europe. The importance of his observations is based upon i.) reliable identification of the plants, ii.) significant spatial coverage, and iii.) detailed documentation of application methods. Kitaibel documented the usage of 55 wild plant species in ancient rural life, for a wide variety of different purposes. In most (26) cases the application of plants as medicins was reported. People were fed by 11 wild plant species. One of most interesting facts is the eating of leafes and roots of Crambe tataria (Brassicaceae) - which is currently very rare and threatened - near Cegléd and Heves settlements (respectively). Kitaibel also reported about a wild plant food type which was special and unusual in other parts of Europe. The so-called 'bengyele' was made of fleshy rhizomes and roots of different marsh and aquatic plants (e.g. Typha spp., Schoenoplectus lacustris), especially, but not exclusively during famines.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok tanulmány, értekezés
vadon élő ehető növények
18. század
19. század
Megjelenés:Ehető vadnövények a Kárpát-medencében / szerk. Dénes Andrea. - p. 5-12. -
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