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001-es BibID:BIBFORM082951
Első szerző:Kindangen, Paulus
Cím:Poverty alleviation in urban areas of North Sulawesi, Indonesia: the role of human resources / Paulus Kindangen, Johan Reineer Tumiwa, Jantje L. Sepang
Megjegyzések:Poverty is an economic and social phenomenon that exists in the whole history of human being in all nations including the developed ones. Many countries in the world and especially in Indonesia determine poverty alleviation as priority program in the endeavor to improve welfare of people. North Sulawesi, a province of Indonesia, also places poverty alleviation as an important agenda. The objective of this research is to find out how poverty alleviation is affected by education as a proxy of knowledge, initiative and creativity, commitment and perseverance, adaptive ability, as well as working hour. Since all the independent variables represent human resources, hence, this research gives important information on the effect of human resources on poverty alleviation. This research was conducted by collecting data from household heads and/or housewives with the main job of micro and small business, farmer, employee/teacher, and skilled worker or craftsman. The sample of 230 respondents were purposively chosen in four cities of North Sulawesi Province: Manado, Bitung, Tomohon, and Kotamobagu. The respondents were those at least have secondary school education. Data analysis was conducted using multiple regression. This research finds that the independent variables - education, initiative and creativity, commitment and perseverance, adaptive ability, and working hour - do have positive and significant effect on poverty alleviation in the urban areas of North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Közgazdaságtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research. - 4 : 2 (2019), p. 1384-1395. -
További szerzők:Tumiwa, Johan Reineer (1986-) (SMEs Expertise) Sepang, Jantje L.
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