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001-es BibID:BIBFORM084783
Első szerző:Farkas Etelka (vegyész)
Cím:Effect of the types and arrangements of donor atoms on Pb(II) versus Zn(II) binding preference of selected amino acids, peptides and derivatives / Etelka Farkas, Beáta Bóka, Béla Szőcs, Attila J. Godó, Imre Sóvágó
Megjegyzések:Pb(II) complexes in solution formed with different amino acids [glycine (Gly), aspartic acid (Asp), histidine (His), methionine (Met), S-methyl-cysteine (SMC) and penicillamine (Pen)], dipeptides (GlyGly, Gly-Val (Val = valine), GlyMet, MetGly, GlyHis, HisGly, GlyAsp, AspGly, CysGly (Cys = cysteine), AlaCys, GlyGlu (Glu = glutamic acid), GluVal, SerGly (Ser = serine)), tripeptides (GlyGlyGly, GlyMetGly, GlyGlyMet, MetMetMet), as well as two peptidehydroxamic acids [(alanyl-alanine hydroxamic acid (AlaAlaNHOH) and N-methyl-alanyl-alanine hydroxamic acid AlaAlaN(CH3)OH)] have been studied by pH-potentiometry, 1H NMR and ESI-MS measurements. The effects of the types and arrangements of the donor atoms on the Pb(II)-binding ability as well as on the selectivity for Pb(II) over Zn(II) were evaluated. Out of the investigated molecules, the Pb(II) binding ability of Pen is far the best, but compared to this ligand, somewhat better selectivity for Pb(II) over Zn(II) can be achieved with S-containing dipeptides.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Selectivity over Zn(II)
Amino acid
Aminohydroxamic acid
Megjelenés:Inorganica Chimica Acta. - 423 : Part A (2014), p. 242-249. -
További szerzők:Bóka Beáta Szőcs Béla (1986-) (vegyész) Godó Attila J. Sóvágó Imre (1946-) (vegyész)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP 4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0043
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