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001-es BibID:BIBFORM084964
Első szerző:Mosztbacher Dóra
Cím:Hypertriglyceridemia-induced acute pancreatitis : a prospective, multicenter, international cohort analysis of 716 acute pancreatitis cases / Mosztbacher Dóra, Hanák Lilla, Farkas Nelli, Szentesi Andrea, Mikó Alexandra, Bajor Judit, Sarlós Patrícia, Czimmer József, Vincze Áron, Hegyi Péter Jenő, Erőss Bálint, Takács Tamás, Czakó László, Németh Balázs Csaba, Izbéki Ferenc, Halász Adrienn, Gajdán László, Hamvas József, Papp Mária, Földi Ildikó, Fehér Krisztina Eszter, Varga Márta, Csefkó Klára, Török Imola, Farkas Hunor Pál, Mickevicius Artautas, Maldonado Elena Ramirez, Sallinen Ville, Novák János, Ince Ali Tüzün, Galeev Shamil, Bod Barnabás, Sümegi János, Pencik Petr, Dubravcsik Zsolt, Illés Dóra, Gódi Szilárd, Kui Balázs, Márta Katalin, Pécsi Dániel, Varjú Péter, Szakács Zsolt, Darvasi Erika, Párniczky Andrea, Hegyi Péter Jr., Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group
Megjegyzések:Background. Hypertriglyceridemia is the third most common cause of acute pancreatitis (AP). It has been shown that hypertriglyceridemia aggravates the severity and related complications of AP; however, detailed analyses of large cohorts are inadequate and contradictory. Our aim was to investigate the dose-dependent effect of hypertriglyceridemia on AP. Methods. AP patients over 18 years old who underwent triglyceride measurement within the initial three days were included into our cohort analysis from a prospective international, multicenter AP registry operated by the Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group. Data on 716 AP cases were analyzed. Six groups were created based on the highest triglyceride level (<1.7 mmol/l, 1.7?2.19 mmol/l, 2.2?5.59 mmol/l, 5.6?11.29 mmol/l, 11.3?22.59 mmol/l, ?22.6 mmol/l). Results. Hypertriglyceridemia (?1.7 mmol/l) presented in 30.6% of the patients and was significantly and dose- dependently associated with younger age and male gender. In 7.7% of AP cases, hypertriglyceridemia (?11.3 mmol/l) was considered as a causative etiological factor; however, 43.6% of these cases were associated with other etiologies (alcohol and biliary). Hypertriglyceridemia was significantly and dose-dependently related to obesity and diabetes. The rates of local complications, organ failure and maximum CRP level were significantly and dose- dependently raised by hypertriglyceridemia. Triglyceride above 11.3 mmol/l was linked to a significantly higher incidence of moderately severe AP and longer hospital stay, whereas triglyceride over 22.6 mmol/l was significantly associated with severe AP as well. Conclusion. Hypertriglyceridemia dose-dependently aggravates the severity and related complications of AP. Diagnostic workup for hypertriglyceridemia requires better awareness regardless of the etiology of AP.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
acute pancreatitis
Megjelenés:Pancreatology. - 20 : 4 (2020), p. 608-616. -
További szerzők:Hanák Lilla Farkas Nelli Szentesi Andrea Mikó Alexandra Bajor Judit Sarlós Patrícia Czimmer József Vincze Áron Hegyi Péter Jenő (belgyógyász) Erőss Bálint Takács Tamás (Szeged) Czakó László Németh Balázs Csaba Izbéki Ferenc Halász Adrienn Gajdán László Hamvas József Papp Mária (1975-) (belgyógyász, gasztroenterológus) Földi Ildikó (1981-) (orvos) Fehér Krisztina Eszter (1991-) (orvos) Varga Márta Csefkó Klára Török Imola Farkas Hunor Mickevicius, Artautas Maldonado, Elena Ramirez Sallinen, Ville Novák János Ince, Ali Tüzün Galeev, Shamil Bod Barnabás Sümegi János Pencik, Petr Dubravcsik Zsolt (belgyógyász, gasztroenterológus) Illés Dóra Gódi Szilárd Kui Balázs Márta Katalin Pécsi Dániel Varjú Péter Szakács Zsolt Darvasi Erika Párniczky Andrea (gyermekgyógyász) Hegyi Péter Jr. (belgyógyász) Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group
Pályázati támogatás:K131996
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