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001-es BibID:BIBFORM085092
Első szerző:Székelyhidi László (matematikus)
Cím:Discrete spectral synthesis / László Székelyhidi
ISSN:1787-5021 1787-6117
Megjegyzések:Discrete spectral analysis and synthesis study the description of translation invariant function spaces over discrete Abelian groups. The basic building bricks are the exponential monomials. A remarkable result of R. J. Elliot in 1965 claimed that spectral synthesis holds on any Abelian group, which means that the exponential monomials span a dense linear subspace in any pointwise-closed translation invariant linear space of complex valued functions over the group. Unfortunately, the proof of this theorem had several gaps. In this we give a short survey about the present status of discrete spectral analysis and synthesis, we show that Elliot's theorem is false, we givea n ecessary condition for Abelian groups to have spectral synthesis and we formulate a conjecture about a possible characterization of Abelian groups having spectral synthesis.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
spectral synthesis
torsion free rank
polynomial functions
Megjelenés:Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae. - 32 (2005), p. 141-152. -
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