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001-es BibID:BIBFORM086275
Első szerző:Papp Klára (történész)
Cím:Vallási sérelmek Debrecenben a 18. században / Papp Klára
Megjegyzések:Debrecen got first into conflict with the leaders of the Catholic Church after gaining the Free Royal City title (1693). During the parliament of 1712-1715, both the legate of the chapter of Várad and Imre Csáky, the Bishop of Várad considered the possibility of the moving in of the Catholics and the building and running a Catholic church and school as the prerequisite of winning the title of Free Royal City. Based on the effective assistance provided by bishop Imre Csáky, the building of the church and the management of the school was taken over by Piarists. The Catholic church was built by 1746, and was sanc-tified by bishop Miklós Csáky. As the monarch, Maria Theresa caused harm to the Reformed population in several fields. She banned the financial aid of the Reformed Church, the press, and the College, she limited, and during the Seven Years' War, banned the students from attending for-eign universities which she also connected to the possession of a passport. Although only 3,4% of the city's population comprised Catholics, by 1776 she achieved that half of the 12-member council be appointed without election as Catholic members of the council. Besides appointing the Chief Justice (the only remaining right of whom was jurisdiction), she ordered the election of the mayor responsible for finance and admini-stration, and one of these two leaders had to be Catholic. During the reign of Joseph II, favourable opportunities opened for the representation of Protestant interests based on the tolerance regulation, and this tendency continued with the publication of the 26th law Article of 1791. During the parliamentary sessions, the Calvinists of Debrecen and its neighbourhood played a serious role in the law de-bate. The above situation demonstrates that by the end of the century, the problems and grievances of the inhabitants of Debrecen became important ingredients of the coun-try-wide conflicts of Calvinists and Lutherans.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Történelemtudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Új Nézőpont. - 4 (2017), p. 5-17. -
Pályázati támogatás:EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00022
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